Tuesday, 20 May 2008

270 mile Round Trip on a Downtube?

As you may or may not know, I have a day job. I'm a training consultant, and the company I work for enters a Dragon Boat race in Cambridge each year. I live in Southampton, and had been toying with the idea of cycling to and from Cambridge for the event, around 136 miles each way.

Two things have decided me that I should do just that. The first is the death of a good friend from liver cancer; he was a guy who was always up for anything fun or challenging, and I feel that I'd like to do something in memorial, and raise money for cancer charities at the same time. The other is Velo Chocolate! I'm ready to do just about anything to draw attention to the business, and to the products we sell. I'll be riding 136 miles on the Friday, racing in the Dragon Boat on Saturday, and riding another 136 on the Sunday, all on my Downtube IXFS, and if that doesn't convince people it's a viable bike, I don't know what will! I'll be riding the bike 95% standard, the only alterations being a Brooks saddle, the addition of a seatpost rack (which I recommend to you all anyway!), and some even more puncture resistant tyres. I might also add some mudguards (something any British rider is going to want to do), but the fundamental bike won't be upgraded in any way.

I have yet to decide on a charity to support, but as soon as I do, I'll let you all know.....

Monday, 19 May 2008

Exciting Times, New Products

These are exciting times; we'll shortly be adding two new bikes to our Downtube folding bike range, and hopefully very soon after some other products. Watch this space!